About Us
Let me introduce ourselves. We are Vladimir and Marina. We are the family of Muscovites. We love our city, we know a lot about it and at the same time we try to keep abreast of new developments in cultural, business and public life and in the domestic sphere.
With great interest we study the history of our city and we draw our knowledge on trips and walking tours of Moscow. Being passionate lovers of traveling, we are constantly discovering new interesting routes in Moscow, in Russia and abroad. Our passion served as the basis for the creation of our 101 Visit family project.
We'd like to share our knowledge of Moscow, our positive emotions about the life in this huge, ever-improving and developing metropolis with our foreign guests.
Our main goal is to help our guests properly navigate in the city, organize their time optimally, help them with their movement around the city, solve business and other possible issues. For those interested in going to other cities of Russia, we propose joint tours with our escort.
We are big connoisseurs of artistic creativity and visual arts, theater, music, literature, and sports. We are great gourmets and lovers of organic food, and we ourselves love delicious cooking. According to our, traditionally Russian tradition, we always generously set the table for our guests.
Our dear future guests, we invite you to come to our beautiful Moscow and make a trip to other cities of Russia to get acquainted with the multinational culture of Russia, history, life of modern Russia and its achievements!
Welcome to Moscow!
Contact us
Phone/WhatsApp: +7(916)708-14-33 (10 a.m. - 10 p.m. Moscow time)
or send your direct request for a quote to request@visit.msk.ru